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Does anybody know a way how to programatically obtain all referenced types of a Type object? I mean a similar funtion to Lutz Roeder's .NET Reflector's Analyzer -> Depends on... function but I need to utilize it from C# code. Is an API for Lutz Roeder's .NET Reflector available? It must be since there are many Add-Ins available for it, but I can't find it... Thanks in advance. Daniel
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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Hi! I am trying to highlight the search query in a gridview like this: 'foo is the gridview 'strQuery is the search string Dim itm As Object Dim cel As TableCell Dim iHit As Integer Dim strOriginal As String Dim strStart As String If Len(strQuery) > 0 Then For Each itm In foo.Rows For Each cel In itm.Cells If cel.Text.ToLower.Contains(strQuery.ToLower) And cel.Text <> " " Then …
Last reply by noccy, -
- 4 replies
Counting all the files in a directory tree (resolved) THIS PROBLEM IS RESOLVED I simply want to count all the files (of a certain file extension) in a folder & all of it's subfolders. I came across this code on another forum but it only returns 0. return System.IO.Directory.GetFiles( sFolder , sExtension ).Length; So I changed changed it as it seems the poster forgot one of the requirements was to support subfolders so I changed it like so: return System.IO.Directory.GetFiles( sFolder , sExtension , SearchOption.AllDirectories ).Length; Any ideas? Even when the extension is "*.*" it fails, and this folder tree has 14,000+ files, some in the root fold…
Last reply by Denaes, -
- 0 replies
I do ASP.NET normally, I'm doing a utility program that uses a DataGridView. The data (via a BoundDataSource) comes from an intra-department WebService. I've figured out that I can bind an event to the BoundDataSource_ListChanged event to detect when a cell has been updated and update data through that Web Service but the problem is that you often update several cells on the same row, so each time I move to a cell I'm calling an update method on the web service. It would be MUCH better to have a Row.BeginEdit() and Row.EndEdit() method, but there is no such thing. Hooking up to RowEnter and RowExit hasn't proved very useful. I'm sure a lot of this has to deal with …
Last reply by bri189a, -
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- 13 replies
The past couple of days i've been reading different web blogs\articles about the observer pattern vs delegates\events and all the articles basically end the same with delegates and events there's is no longer a need for the Observer Pattern and it also is less coupled than the observer. Since all the articles ended the same way i'm quite certain there is something i'm missing hence the post. take this blog for example I just don't see how this is less coupled because it seems to me for the observer to attach\observe there is going to have to be statement somewhere MySubject.NotifyEvent+= new NotifyHandler(somemethodwithmatchingsignature). If that's true t…
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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- 5 replies
I have written a visual class who's sole purpose is it get the user name and process id of a person that is running the particuliar application in which has this class and use that information to create a unique directory with a particularily name text file. This application works great if I am logged in as administrator into the machine but if I log in as someone else I cannot get the process information nor can I get the right to create the unique directory. Ideally the solution would be to increase the permissions of the Logon, unforunately this is not an option. I need the ability to do perform all the required actions as with administrator powers though I a…
Last reply by alreadyused, -
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- 2 replies
Hi I've a table in my SQL SERVER 2005 Express database with a couple of columns with decimal(4,2) data type, but when i try to insert a value on it, using the following stored procedure, i get this error: "Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric.", it's a kinda strange because the input value is ok, i think. So here's the SP: using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand()) { decimal qt = decimal.parse(qttTextBox.Text); cmd.Connection = DataBase.Conn;//Cria connection se n existir automaticamente cmd.CommandText = "spCriarLinhasPrescricao"; cmd.CommandType = Command…
Last reply by Nerseus, -
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I'm looking for a lazy loading solution in c#. The idea is, to have a kind of object factory, which will be responsible for creating my entity objects. When a property of such an object is accesed and it is not yet loaded, the factory (or a magic watcher) will be able to pause the execution flow for a while (maybe that step is not necessary) load the missing data (don't know how to specify, from where to load that data----maybe via attributes) and return to the flow. My entity objects, do not have a possibility to load the missing data by themselves, because they are only data containers having private members, which are accessible via public properties. These…
Last reply by Nerseus, -
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Clicking that link always gives me this Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.
Last reply by SoftWareRevue, -
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hi everyone my issue is this: The web application I am developing now is scheduled to be deployed following the n-tier architecture where the webpages shall reside in a webserver, the business and DAL shall be in an application server and of course the data in a database server. I have adjusted my architecture to the best of my abilities to "fit" the n-tier architecture by: 1) Creating each layer as a separate project. I created a Solution with all of these projects inside. 2) One of the projects(Datalayer) is the datalayer/business layer, the other project is the webservice(OBPWebService) and the third project is the web layer (Interphase) 3) Interphase goes to…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I'm novice in 2.0. Since in version 1.1, when i call a select query to check is data available in database table, I use dataset to get the count of row if it is equal to zero, then do something... However, I found the feature no longer exist in version 2.0. So, Is anyone know how to do such a "function" to check the number of row return? Appreciate for any help and suggestion. Thank you. Calvin
Last reply by tfowler, -
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All, If I declare a new object, say, a Hashtable in Form.Load event, how can I access this object from another form? The worse is, I can't even see this object from other events in the SAME form. Does anyone have any clue? Thanks, Carl
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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If your gonna flame, shut up and read first: I have been programming in VB (5, 6), VB.NET (1.0,1.1, 2.0), VBA, etc.. since 2000. I really loved working with that RAD tool, Visual BASIC IDE, and Visual Studio .Net. But the think that just drives me past the brink of flipping insanity is the FACT that half the crap thats supposed to work a certain way in VB6 or .NET just plain DOESN'T!!!!!!! WHAT THE @*&!# HECK!!!! Always with the stupid 'workaround' solutions. Burn VB!, burn to a crisp. I hope you die of a lethal flatite. Everyone hates you VB, Nobody likes you. I certainly dont. And I hope you and your stupid 'workaround' functionality all just e…
Last reply by mutant, -
- 4 replies
All, I am learning C#, so I want to create some simple program and learn it this way. The simple program that I am thinking is a backup/sync utility. However, there's a performance issue in my mind. If I have selected two folders: A, which is the target folder; and B, which is the destination folder. And both of them has some files that the other one does NOT have. Now, the way that I am implementing is as follow: 1: Compare folder A's files against B's file - (this means I am running a foreach statements on folder A now!!) 1.1: if A have files that are more updated, copy them into folder B; likewise, if B have more updated files, copy them into A. Moreover, put…
Last reply by microkarl, -
- 1 reply
Hi All, I am loading my combobox info. from a acessfile/datasource and I need to have the save button work and save info. back to the DB and its really not working. Can someone please tell me what I need to do? Please advise. Also, maybe I'm doing something wrong because I can't seem to add anything to the combobox (remember its not loading from items collection but an accessfile db). Thanks, Amina
Last reply by ALEX_0077, -
- 5 replies
I am making a verification app comparing two text files with each other. Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click opd.ShowDialog() TextBox2.Text = opd.FileName Dim ecreader As New IO.StreamReader(TextBox2.Text) f2 = ecreader.ReadLine.ToString End Sub gets the file Public Property f2() As String Get file2 = f2 End Get Set(ByVal Value As String) '<--------- error here f2 = Value End Set End Property error is Stack Overflow :confused: did I miss something?
Last reply by mskeel, -
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Hi all, I've got a procedure that generates some buttons. The information needed for the buttons comes out of a database. The buttons are generated fine, but how can I use the click event from the buttons? This is what I have so far: Private Sub GetButtons() Dim cmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand Dim da As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter Dim ds As New DataSet Dim RowCnt As Long cmd.Connection = myPublics.conn cmd.CommandText = "SELECT [id], text FROM folders WHERE parent IS NULL" ds.Clear() If ds.Tables.Count > 0 Then ds.Tables(0).Columns.Clear() da.SelectCommand = cmd da.Fill(ds) …
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 4 replies
I wrote a Simple Hyper Terminal Emulator because my regular hyper terminal keeps locking up my computer. I have gotten the functionality pretty close to what I want with one exception. I am outputting the contents of the serial buffer to a rich text box that will also take key strokes and send them back to the device under test. The problem I am having is getting the richtext box to stay scrolled down so it displays only the latest received data. Approaches I have tried... richtext.scrolltocarat(); every time new serial data enters the text box the carat jumps back to the home position so scroll to carat does nothing. SendKeys.Send("^{END}"); because I am re…
Last reply by MTSkull, -
- 1 reply
Hey all, I've got the following html code: <html> <frameset rows="142, *" border="0"> <frame name="banner" src="banner.aspx" scrolling="no"> <frame name="folders" src="folders.aspx" scrolling="no"> </frameset> </html> Is it possible to refresh the banner frame from within the folders frame?
Last reply by MrPaul, -
- 3 replies
I am working on an application that was functioning properly until we re-located the database to a different share on the web server. We had permissions problems right away with the new share and so I kept changing the connectionstring information on my form from the working location to the new location. The databases are Access 97 (ugh) My question is this - the forms (three of them) have totally ceased functioning. They no longer send the email message they did before, nor do they update the database (either database) and there is no error message. Has anyone else ever encountered this problem? I put tons of work into creating these pages and it is very frustrating.…
Last reply by lorena,
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