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New to web services in 2005. I compiled my web service to my site and the .asmx file I believe isn't linked properly since It's compiled and that info is in the bin folder. This is what the .asmx file looks like <%@ WebService Language="VB" CodeBehind="~/App_Code/myservice.vb" Class="myservice" %> I'm guessing some compiler options are wrong. Since this file is pointing to an app_code folder which it doesn't even add. I set up a virtual directory so I am sure that is all right. Any suggestions to fix that to link it to the right place? I don't know how they link it to the .dll's
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
Is there a simple way to re-order the data in a 2D array by rows? e.g. in an array declared as "s(3,3) as string", move all the items with the first index as 0 to the end, and shunt the other items up on level as regards the first index.
Last reply by rbulph, -
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- 2 replies
I have a child window (frmOne), maximized in its parent window. I have a link to open another window (frmTwo) this frmTwo is fixed size, looks awful maximized. When I open it, it opens it as being Maximized. This frmTwo.WindowState=FormWindowState.Normal doesn't work
Last reply by PROKA, -
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- 2 replies
OKButton.Location.X = 81 OKButton.Location.Y = 165 OKButton.Size.Height = 22 OKButton.Size.Width = 65 Why I get error while using those command? how can I assign the location and size of a control in runtime then? :confused:
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 1 reply
I am trying to debug a project in Visual Basic .NET 2003. This has worked before. I recently installed Visual Studio 2005. That one works fine. But now when i go to debug an project in 2003 i get this error message. Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging. The debugger is not properly installed. Run setup to install or repair the debugger. If anyone can help it would be much appreciated.
Last reply by IngisKahn, -
- *Experts*
- 1 reply
hi does anyone know if it's possible to show a flash (.swf) file in 2005 in a simple windows form? :confused: thanks for your help:)
Last reply by Nerseus, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I am recieving an error message that is stoping my document from appearing in my application. Can anyone help me to understand what is going on that causes this error and point me in the right direction to help me resolve it. The error reads "System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to class type 'mshtml.HTMLAnchorElementClass'. COM components that enter the CLR and do not support IProvideClassInfo or that do not have any interop assembly registered will be wrapped in the __ComObject type. Instances of this type cannot be cast to any other class; however they can be cast to interfaces as long as th…
Last reply by caeanis, -
- 0 replies
Hi to all, Some years ago I have made some experiences with �ADO.NET vNext CTP� predecessor ObjectSpaces. Some while ago I also made my experiences with an O/R mapper (EntityBroker) from THONA Software & Consulting Ltd.. No I will give �ADO.NET vNext CTP� a chance. How good is Microsoft now? Is �ADO.NET vNext CTP� better than ObjectSpaces? And when YES which changes Microsoft has done? Use anyone from you �ADO.NET vNext CTP�? Productive? J Regards, cyberjoe
Last reply by cyberjoe, -
- 0 replies
I don't understand. Is this a call that only works when it wants. I have the stupidest problem. I have a page that displays server.mappath and all the files in the dir. It works great on my local machine(XP) but when I upload it to my 2000 server it only partially works. I can display server.mappath in a label and the path is correct yet it won't display files in the folder on my page. Though directory browsing is off I gave ASP.Net full controll to the folder. What the he?? This is a bunch of cr?p, I can figure it out. Any thoughts or experience with this problem, or am I missing something stupid. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by nate, -
- *Experts*
- 2 replies
Given this SQL query (which uses the old style "WHERE" clause to do joins): SELECT c.cust_id,, c.address_1, c.address_2, c.address_3,, c.state, c.zipcode, co.first_name, co.last_name , co.fax, sr.rep_name, sr.rep_phone, sr.rep_fax, sr.rep_email FROM customer c, contact co, sales_rep sr, customer_price cp WHERE ( c.static_cust_numb = cp.static_cust_numb ) and ( c.rep_id = sr.rep_id ) and ( cp.sales_code = @cp_sales_code ) AND ( c.employee_number = sr.employee_number or ( sr.territory = @sr_territory and sr.branch = c.branch )) AND ( c.status <> @customer_status ) AND ( c.rep_id = @rep_id ) AND ( co.default_contact = 'Y' AND c.static_cust_numb …
Last reply by flynn, -
- 6 replies
Hi, I got a function with the following signature: SCCRTN SccHistory( LPVOID pvContext, HWND hWnd, LONG nFiles, LPCSTR* lpFileNames, LONG fOptions, LPCMDOPTS pvOptions ); (this function resides in SSSCC.DLL) I can't figure out how should I pass the required array of file names from C# to the lpFileNames argument. Any help will be appreciated. Googling for "LPCSTR* C#" gives 1 or 2 meaningfull rezults, but no one of them helps :( Thank you.
Last reply by Comanche, -
- 2 replies
How can I use forms authentication in its most basic form, I just want a simple login system for a very basic site. Ideally i'm trying to do something like this ' Login button click Dim username as string = "myusername" Dim password as string = "mypassword" If txtUsername.text = username And txtPassword.text = password Then User.IsAuthenticated = True Response.Redirect "privatearea/main.aspx" Else label1.text = "Access Denied" End If How can I do it?
Last reply by Mondeo, -
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Hi, I hope this is posted in the right place, but I'm just starting to use rather than VB6 and getting stuck on basic issues, or I am being an idiot. In VB6 if I have on form Main a string called StrMine I can pass a value from another form by using Main.StrMine="myinfo", but for some reason wont let me do the same thing. Is there a particular way I should be referencing this or am I just making a terrible hash of it. If you've got any advice I'd be grateful. Cheers, Sparky.
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 17 replies
I have this code that calculates a file md5 hash using threads and I want to know if it's possible to get the progress of this calculation so I can add a progress bar to the application (right now I have a simple animation letting the user now the application is doing something). Here's the code of this calculation: Delegate Sub DisplayHashCallback(ByVal text As String) Dim fileStream As Stream Dim hashComp As New Thread(AddressOf HashComputation) Private Sub HashComputation() Dim MD5 As New MD5CryptoServiceProvider Dim bHash As Byte() = Nothing Dim sHash As String bHash = MD5.ComputeHash(fileStream) sHash = BitConverter.ToString(bHash) sHash = sHash.Repla…
Last reply by MrPaul, -
What happens when a array of objects each of which have an event that is mapped to one method. for example, let's say i have an array of 10 Employee object. Each employee object has a ClockedIn Event that is mapped to one method. what happens when employee1, employee2, employee3 all clockin at the same time?
Last reply by Wraith, -
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hi a problem! i think may be a bug in 2005 you just put a picturebox on a form, click on image property and import a jpg picture to the application resources! press ok. that's ok now. the problem is that if at a later point you want to remove that image from the resources you CANNOT! the only way is that right click on the project explorer and open resources folder and remove the file from there, it will be removed but a warning will appear that this file does not exists! and your application won't work until you copy a file named that deleted one in the same directory... ???
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 0 replies
Hello, we have our own tool, that check some rules in source code. This tool returns true when code is ok, or false if some rules are broken. It's possbile to attach our tool to check-in policies in visual studio? How can we do this? regards cyberjoe
Last reply by cyberjoe, -
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I have a simple site which displays a list of members, users select a member and get redirected to a page about that member like this. members.aspx?member=109 Now my client isnt comfortable with the member ID on the query string as competitors can simply increment the member ID and obtain a list of all the members. So I though about using the session to store the member ID, then retrieve it on the next page and get the details. I havent used the session at all before and have a couple of questions. 1. Firstly will it work in all browsers 2. Does it rely on cookies, and will it stop working if the user has cookies turned off for security. Thanks
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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Is there a way to force the DataGridView's "Edit Columns" dialog box to resize (on open) so that all the properties are visible? Every time I open it, I resize it so I can see *ALL* the properties without having to scroll. tia, flynn
Last reply by flynn, -
- 3 replies
I have 2 DataGridView controls on my search form. I have manually created the columns for the 1st grid, but now I want to dynamically duplicate those columns in the 2nd grid. Using the code below, I get this error: "Provided column already belongs to the DataGridView control." Control[] ctl = CustomerSearch.Controls.Find("dgvSearch",false); foreach (DataGridViewColumn dgvCol in ((DataGridView)ctl[0]).Columns) { dgvSelected.Columns.Add(dgvCol); } I'm not sure what the error is trying to tell me. The dgvSelected grid has 0 (zero) columns before this code is ran. "CustomerSearch" is a user-control that contains a DataGridView contr…
Last reply by flynn,
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