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I want to customise a Gannt Chart. Is there any link for me to reference to build a Gannt Chart. Thanks.
Last reply by kokchern, -
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Can anyone recommend a good boot camp for MCAD certification? What are your thoughts on boot camps in general? Thanks, Bernie
Last reply by bjwade62, -
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Hi all Which is more effective/appropriate to use, an if statement or a case statement? Mike55.
Last reply by IceAzul, -
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I am populating a datatable directly from an oledbdatareader. My SQL query is using a bunch of aggregate functions so I didn't want to use the same field names in the datatable. So I keep getting this error: System.ArgumentException: Column 'ColumnName' does not belong to table . at System.Data.DataRow.GetDataColumn(String columnName) at System.Data.DataRow.get_Item(String columnName) at search.getlist() Any ideas? Also this is a ASP application. I'm guessing it has something to do with table mappings.
Last reply by BiteByter, -
- 1 reply
PS: ignore all quotes, just there to wrap up the regex, also this forum trims spaces so I've said 4 spaces instead of typing them. Does VS2005's search & replace lack full RegEx support (ala .Net's)? I'm trying to safely convert the 4 space indents to tabs, and want to do this safely. Meaning I don't want to simply convert "4 spaces" to "\t" just in case some string or other (non indenting) spacing exists. I tried the following RegExs and VS2005 didn't like them, what am I doing wrong? ^( ){1,} ^(\s{4}){1,}Anybody reading this should read those as 4 spaces, in sets of 1 or more that start at the beginning of the line. The only thing I can get to work in …
Last reply by travisowens, -
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Can anyone help me with this question: What is the difference between having multiple instances of SQL Server, each running a different database, and having one instance of SQL Server running multiple databases? What is the advantage of having multiple instances of SQL Server on the same machine? Thank you
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 5 replies
I'm drawing shapes on a picturebox. I want to know when I'm inside of a shape (and also outside of a shape). This is really easy for a rectangle, you just check the X & Y & width & height to see if the mouse is inside. Like say I have a wedge (using a piefill method to draw). The Rect covers the whole circle, but the Wedge is drawn with the Rect, a starting angle and an ending angle. I'm just not sure how to get at those points in the angle... I'm not sure if there is a method for the premade drawing methods that does this or if I have to use the easy methods and then do it all myself to find the points anyways (I guess by figuring out the two l…
Last reply by Denaes, -
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I'm just wondering what the best practice for Web Service design is. For example, lets say I am creating an RSS Reader. If I were creating a Class Library (dll) project, I would have two classes. 1) A class to download and process RSS XML feeds. 2) A Data class to hold all the data (Title, Description, OriginalURL, etc) Now the first class would have a method like GetRSS(String URL) and it would return an array of the data class (arraylist, collection or something along these lines); however, with a Web Service I cannot return an arraylist of User Defined Objects, so what is the best practice? Secondly, what is the best organization of code in a 2005 Web Servic…
Last reply by Nate Bross, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I would like to read an excel file, the problem is that MS excel is not going to be installed in the server where my program in C# is going to run. Can I read the excel file? If not, which would be the minimum requirements to install? I would like to avoid installing MS Office Excel in the server. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by Nate Bross, -
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Hi I am using the following code to obtain a response from a web page: objRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(HttpPaymentRequestUrl(receiptCode)) objResponse = objRequest.GetResponse() I am using a StreamReader to convert the return into a string: Dim sr As New StreamReader(objResponse.GetResponseStream()) result = sr.ReadToEnd I want to take the result returned from the web request and put it into an array, preferabily a 2d array. Here is a sample of the web request: Here are the results that I get back: I know that I can do it by doing a loops to determine how many "," are in the string, followed by a loop that gets e…
Last reply by MrPaul, -
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I'm doing some application that when executed, starts a few others and hide their windows. For hiding the windows i'm using the ShowHindow() API but I'm having a little problem, the code is this: Friend Const SW_HIDE As Integer = 0 Friend Const SW_RESTORE As Integer = 9 <System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32.dll")> _ Friend Function ShowWindow(ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByVal nCmdShow As Integer) As Integer End Function Dim fileProcess As Process fileProcess = Process.Start(appPath) fileProcess.WaitForInputIdle() ShowWindow(CType(fileProcess.MainWindowHandle, Integer), SW_HIDE) It works, but there's one problem... I tried this on notepad and it work…
Last reply by Nazgulled, -
- 0 replies
Anyone has an idea on how to call a remote vbscript from or C# ? the remote script is on a windows 2003 server. I was trying to do this with vbscript: Set wshController = CreateObject("WshController") Set wshRemote = wshController.CreateScript("C:\TestRemoteMailbox\mailbox.vbs " & userAlias, strComputer) unfortunately this doesn't seem to work...I have tried a lot of things... wsh is standard installed on windows 2003 and a registry entry should exist named "remote" and it's value should be 1. there are no problems with the firewall. So... Can I make it so that I can run a vbscript on a remote computer? calling it from or C# ? thanks,
Last reply by inter, -
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I have an app that is very basic so far. Its current goal is to read a lot of data about files in a particular directory and it's sub directories. This can take a while if it's like the C:\ directory. So far it's just has: Toolstrip (has a combo with directories and a button to start the scan) StatusStrip (with a ToolStripStatusLabel on it) Pretty basic. As you process each directory I want it to display text indicating which directory is being scanned on the ToolStripStatusLabel. The First Problem: Scanning ties up the thread, so it never actually writes any text to the ToolStripStatusLabel. I solved this problem by adding a BackgroundWorker to run …
Last reply by Denaes, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I need to implement continuous integration using TFS Server and TFS Build. How to utilize TFS Build to implement CI in your company? Do you have any experiences how to do this? Thanks! cyberjoe
Last reply by mskeel, -
- 2 replies
. ...........RESOLVED (see next post) . I'm looking into somebody's Javascript code and I came across this syntax, I have no idea what the if/with line means and Google isn't helping. BTW, this is part of a web control that puts a HELP link on the top right of pages. <div id="HelpTopRight" class="HelpTopRight" style="white-space:nowrap;"> <xsp:HelpLink ID="lnk" runat="server" /> </div> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> var x=document.getElementById('HelpTopRight') [b]if(x)with(x)[/b] { style.setExpression('left',document.body.clientWidth-60) } </script>
Last reply by MrPaul, -
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We use binary serialization for persisting some of the data of our application. Now, after some refactoring (assembly names and namespaces changed) has been done, we ran into problems with deserialization of previously (before refactoring) persisted data. Has someone found a working solution how to migrate the binary data without manipulating it at file level? As far as I have seen, assembly name and the full qualified type names are stored in the serialized files. I have some ideas, e.g. building a small app that binds both versions of the assembly where the serialized types are stored in. On one side I would deserialize the persisted data using the old versio…
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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I use this code to read and split the first line of a text file: Dim LineIn As String Dim SStr() As String FileOpen(1, ("c:\file.txt"), OpenMode.Input) LineIn = LineInput(1) SStr = LineIn.Split(vbTab) FileClose(1) But in MSDN I red that: The FileOpen function is provided for backward compatibility and may affect performance. For non-legacy applications, the My.Computer.FileSystem object provides better performance. - I also found this example: Dim fileReader As String fileReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("C:\test.txt") MsgBox(fileReader) The problem is that I cannot read just the first line of text file us…
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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I have a combo box that I want to loop through all of the items in it and if the string returned from a function is in the list items I want to set the text to that string. I found a way to do it but it seems like there must be a better way to do it. Here is the way I'm currently doing it. Head is the string returned from my function. Any suggestions? For Each row As System.Data.DataRowView In cboHead.Items If (row.Row.Item(0).ToString) = head Then cboHeadead.Text = head Exit For End If Next
Last reply by travisowens, -
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In Visual Basic 2003 is there a way by some property or something of the sort can I get my application to resize approiately and look presentable to the user regardless of what screen resolution there system is set to. Any help offered is greatly appreciated.
Last reply by travisowens, -
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I was able to find this thread to help me out awhile ago. Ok So I can do this with all my projects except a MDI project where I want the Main MDI container to respond to the keyboard strokes. Baically I want to use Shift & Blah & blah to make some "hidden" functions visible. Just thising the normal user doesn't need to mess with. Is this possible? Or would I have to add the code to all the forms in the MDI container to do this. Thanks ZeroEffect
Last reply by MrPaul, -
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