Accessing form controls within a class?
by Guest Morgon-
- *Gurus*
- 6 replies
I have a class that's called whenever a user clicks a button on the form.. some info goes into a listbox, and everything's fine "While" the current thread is alive.. well, when things cease to be fine, I want this class to remove the item from the listbox.. however.. directly accessing lstCameras.Items.Remove() results in "Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference" ...So my question is.. how do I either share it, or make an object reference? I tried making a public function that would remove it, but it didn't like that either... so now I'm stuck -- can anyone help? :) -Morgon
Last reply by divil, -
- *Gurus*
- 2 replies
I have designed a MainMenuEx, a MenuItemCollectionEx and a MenuItemEx. But a strange thing is that: the coder doesn't add this line automaticcaly in the code : MainMenuEx1.MenuItems.AddRange(New MenuitemEx.MenuItemEx() {MenuItemEx1, MenuItemEx2, MenuItemEx3}) Why isn't this line included???? And how can I affect what is coded????
Last reply by divil, -
play avi file in
by Guest Cheung- 1 reply
Hi, I would like to write a program that play avi movie continuously (loop), can you pls give me some hints how to do it instead of using the the following code "system.diagnostics.process.start(myfile.avi)" ? Thanks : ) Cheung
Last reply by NicoVB, -
- 2 replies
I want to build an application that is based on a SQL Server database. (very large database) I want to do everything with that database(so full use of ADO.NET). Which project type have I to choose?? PS: It's an MDI-Form with several childs forms, if that is also important
Last reply by NicoVB, -
dynamic runtime object types w/ web services
by Guest schreiter- 0 replies
Not sure how to ask this question, but here it goes: I'm creating a windows service that references a web service. I would like to pass the servername.service() as a startup paramater argument for the windows service. Typically, in order to reference that service, however, you need to "Add Web Reference" and put some code like dim objTest as new server.service() objtest.servicename() in order to invoke the web service functions. Is there a way to dynamically create objTest's type like Protected Overrides Sub OnStart(ByVal args() As String) Dim jon As String jon = CStr(args(0)) Dim objtest As New jon objtest.servic…
- 0 replies
Hi Could anybody give me their opinions please? I am trying to create a simple form in .Net which will display a datagrid containing records retrieved from a database. When a user clicks on a record, textbox's underneath it will be populated with the records values. The user can then Edit or Delete the record, the user can also add a new record. I want all the data access code to be in a separate dll. The question that I want to ask is: Would it be better to have a component with three separate functions i.e. add, edit and delete and each time a user makes a change a call is made to the appropriate function and update the database then refresh the datagrid or wou…
Last reply by Gazzo, -
- 1 reply
How can you know that a menuitem is the topmenuitem of the mainmenu. Not a menuitem with a submenuitem. Only the topmenuitems that are visible without doing anything!!
Last reply by NicoVB, -
ListBox Inheritance? DrawItem? Gah, my head hurts.
by Guest Vax-
- *Gurus*
- 16 replies
I'm trying to figure out how the hell to make a derived class from the ListBox that will allow me to make a ListBox with individual fonts and colors for each list item. This is quite far afield from my normal programming stuff, and I am getting a little frustrated. I also saw this OwnerDraw thing. Never played with it, don't know the code to make this work. Maybe this is the simple solution? Can anyone give me a code snippet to show me how to use this? I'd appreciate it.
ODBC drivers
by Guest jhoga-
- *Gurus*
- 1 reply
i'm trying to connect to a progress database using I have an odbc driver which works with access but will not work with .net any suggestions? The error i get say's "You cannot use an OLE Db provider for ODBC drivers."
Last reply by Derek Stone, -
Property 'Bold' is 'ReadOnly'.
by Guest Vax-
- *Gurus*
- 12 replies
OK, maybe this is a stupid question, I don't know. I'm running VB.NET and I'm trying to set up a few pre-arranged fonts for use in my listbox control, changing things like bold status and fontname and whatnot. So I type: Dim fntFont As Font fntFont.Bold = True and I get an error that the property 'Bold' is 'ReadOnly'. What gives? do I need to attack this some other way, or am I missing something obvious? :confused:
Last reply by Thinker, -
- 0 replies
I have to have a collection/list with icons??? How to declare that property? Dim mnIcons() as Icon --> this is an array Public Property IconList as Icon --> here is something wrong?? End Property
Last reply by NicoVB, -
Preventing DialogBox from Closing?
by Guest bugaboo-
- *Gurus*
- 3 replies
In, how can I keep the dialogbox open after retrieving the data? I set a button DialogResult=DialogResult.OK. In the main form, I put the code like this dim frmUserInput as new form2() If frmUserInput.ShowDialog(Me) = DialogResult.OK Then 'retrieve data end if But this will close the dialogbox.
Last reply by divil, -
by Dodgeram01-
- *Gurus*
- Moderators
- 8 replies
Why do the menu's with Visual Basic always looked recessed from the rest of the form at runtime? Is there anyway to change this? Thanks.
Last reply by Dodgeram01, -
- *Gurus*
- 4 replies
When you have a new designed control like a tabbar. How can you then at design time edit the control or drag controls on it??
Last reply by NicoVB, -
Date and Time Format
by Guest haoli12345-
- *Gurus*
- 6 replies
I want to format my date like 2002/06/13 I dont know how to do it in ASP but I know how to do it in Visual Basic Format(Date, "YYYY/MM/DD") is there a way to do this in ASP. I would also like to format my time in 24 hours mode like this 15:06:32 if you know please reply. Thank You. -Hao Li-
Last reply by Thinker, -
Controls and VB .NET
by Guest Kytro-
- *Gurus*
- 1 reply
I am fairly new to VB.NET and havn't used VB for anything bar applications since Ver 4. I was wondering if anyone knows how to make a control that would be accessible in other applications - in fact I am trying to create a control that I could embed in another program (and pass variables to it). The control will be used in Non- VB programs and will also be used in an alternative development environment. An ActiveX control would be ideal, but I don't know how to proceed.
Last reply by divil, -
- Moderators
- 6 replies
I have 5 text boxes, and 6 check boxes. When a check box is selected, the text from the text box next to it needs to be put into a string: Input1 = txtInput1.Text Input1 = "" & vbCrLf & "__ " & Input1 & "" These values (Input1 - Input5) are then printed in a list. Part of the code works correctly as I get to the new line and I get "__ ". I am however not understanding why the first part of the code doesn't seem to be working. Also, I have dimmed Inputs1 - Input5 as Strings. Should they be doubles or something similar? Thank You.
Last reply by Dodgeram01, -
- *Gurus*
- 7 replies
I've added an image to the project and set it to 'Embedded Resource'. But how do I call this resource in code?? Greetz
Last reply by Thinker, -
Directory/Folder Views
by Guest Morgon-
- *Gurus*
- 10 replies
I've spent a number of hours trying to research any controls, built-in, or custom, to allow for just Directory/Folder/Drive accesses, so that I may create and/or set a directory.. much like Winzip's "Move Archive" function, or any other program out there that lists the computer's directories (with things like "My Documents" and "My Network Places" special folders, as well) I find it hard to believe something so used would have to be custom, with a bunch of lines of code... so I am almost convinced that I've overlooked something. Heellllppp!! :-) -Morgon
Last reply by divil, -
by Guest Morgon-
- *Gurus*
- 3 replies
Has anyone figured out the mystical nature of threading yet? lol.. I have a Class that I've created, that starts a new thread ... I'd like to be able to control this thread explicitly beyond my class.. (Basically, I have a button that starts a background thread.. and the Sub it calls, is by whatever is in a listbox) .. That part works fine. But I have another button that's supposed to stop the thread.. and I would like for it to stop the thread based on what's highlighted in the listbox.. but instead it stops the master thread and closes the program. Anyone able to help me on this? Maybe I'm being a little too confusing, if so, just let me know and I'll explain fu…
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