Mapi With .net?
by Guest nolc-
- *Gurus*
- 2 replies
I'm looking to send an email programmatically with VB.NET...any ideas? Does .NET use MAPI still? thanks....
.Net Setup Help
by Guest crazeeguy2002-
- Moderators
- *Gurus*
- 3 replies
I have a copy of Microsoft Visual Basic .Net Standard. Whenever I try to install it, it stalls right when its about to start setting up. There is a setup box titled "Setup", and the description in the box says "Setup is loading installation components. This may take a minute or two." Below this there is a blue strip representing how much is loaded. The blue bar is all the way at the end (100%) ,but this is where it stalls. What should I do? Please help :( :( :( :(
Incorporating Simple MAPI
by Guest double-helix- 1 reply
This needs a COM reference in order to work, so u will need Microsoft Outlook installed in order for this to work. First, right click on the references tab, and choose Add reference. The, under the COM tab, choose Microsoft Outlook Object Model. Then, at the top of the code, insert the key statement : Imports Outlook Add a command button to the form that you are working with, then name it cmdOutlookMail. Double click on it to display the code view, then insert the following code : dim objectMail as new Outlook.Application() dim objectItem as MailItem objectItem = objectMail.CreateItem(OLitemType.olMailItem) With objectItem .Subject = "Visual Basic Foru…
Last reply by Dodgeram01, -
- *Gurus*
- 2 replies
I have a question?. Do VB.NET comes with Crystal Reports? If so, then which version?.. Can we used Crystal reports that is in VB6 Enterprise Edition with VB.NET?.. Thanks
Last reply by Anis, -
- 1 reply
How do you add sounds?? Thanks
- *Gurus*
- 9 replies
Does anyone know where you can find examples of custom designed forms that do not look like normal forms in .NET. (an example: MSN explorer windows have a special look). Do you have to inherit from the Form object, but what then???
Last reply by NicoVB, -
Web Service
by Guest viper8888- 0 replies
hi, I'm trying to use the web service introduce in the .net. However, i get this runtime error message whenever i want to run the service in a windows application. Unhandled exception of type 'System.Net.WebException' occured in system.web.service.dll Additional Information:The request failed with HTTP status 401:Access Denied The compiliation of the code stop at the file reference.vb Below are codes how i use the service Dim objService As New viper.Service1() MessageBox.Show(objService.HelloWorld()) objService = Nothing I get the same error when i try with other service Is there anything i didn't set or didn't add when i…
- 1 reply
I set the Icon property to an .ico file on the only form I have. When I build an exe, the program icon in explorer just shows up as the default for an exe file. How do I get the program icon to be the same as my form icon?
Last reply by Dodgeram01, -
about .Net software???????????
by Guest vijju-
- Moderators
- 5 replies
hi, iam working as a SoftwareEngineer in a company.we are basically into software development. presently we had the Visual Studio Enterprise Edition. we are developing software for clients using the VB6.0 Enterprise edtion. when ever i want to load the custom software,i will do packaging with VB package and deployment wizard and i will install the software into client's system.there in client system we need not require VB 6.0 now we are trying to buy the VisualStudio.NET now my doubt is if start developing my application using VB.NET then how should i load into my client system,where there is not .Net Software. could i use the same P&D wizard in V…
Last reply by pgerard, -
How to change SQL select on Datagrid
by Guest cgchris99- 1 reply
I have a data grid displaying the contents of a table. But when they enter data in a field and pick the filter button I want it to do the following. Mystring = "select Recipe.CustomerName, Recipe.CustomerPartNumber, Recipe.Description from Recipe where CustomerName like '*" & txtCriteria.Text & "*'" How do I apply this new select statement and then get it to refresh I tried this and it causes an exception OleDbDataAdapter2.SelectCommand.CommandText = Mystring Thanks for any advice
DataGrid ? How to adjust the DataGrid.PreferredRowHeight ?
by Guest Alexander Pavlo- 0 replies
Hi ! I've got a problem... I'm populating the DataGrid with the text which sometimes has a HTML script in it.... I'm stripping out the HTML tags and getting the multilined text which is going further down to the DataGrid. Now, I want to adjust the .PreferredRowHeight for the each row so every row would be as high as the text with the most numer of lines if this row. Thanks if who knows !!!
- 3 replies
I need to do a simple thing: 3-tier app using XML web extensions. Web Server should get data from database and send it to a client. I never did it before and I am stuck. On-line help doesn't make it easier. Can someone walk me through? I created a Web Service with methods such as <WebMethod> Public Function GetData(ByVal sSQL As String) As DataSet Dim oCmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(sSQL, cn) Dim da As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(oCmd) Dim ds As New DataSet() Try da.Fill(ds) Return ds Catch e As SqlException MsgBox(e.Message) cn.Close() En…
Alternative to FilePutObject?
by Guest Vax- 0 replies
I'm trying to save a collection object filled with items into a binary file. Seems FilePutObject should work fine for this, but I get an error that the function does not support the type I am trying to save. I'm looking for a fast, reasonably simple method to save this thing in one shot, as it's a large collection and the I/O system is much slower saving item by item. Anyone have any suggestions?
conversion issue
by Guest Vax-
- *Gurus*
- 2 replies
what's a simple, fast way to convert a Size structure to a SizeF structure?
Last reply by divil, -
VB6 APIs to .NET
by Guest nolc-
- *Gurus*
- 2 replies
As anyone seen anything on "How to convert VB6 APIs to .NET?" or have an understanding ont "How to use VB6 APIs in a .NET application"?
Last reply by divil, -
DataGrid Resetting
by Guest Alexander Pavlo- 4 replies
Hi All ! I'm developing a wizard that would be the easiest way for the user to create the SQL query and then it'd populate the DataGrid with it. Here is my problem: I'm using DataTable as a .DataSource to bind a data to the DataGrid. It works just fine but the user may remove all the tables from the query and then I'd have to show the empty DataGrid (without any traces of the previous queries). I do that by setting the empty DataTable to the .DataSource of my DataGrid. It shows me the empty DataGrid but it keeps the ScrolBars from the old query. How can I remove that scrols or how do I bind the empty .DataSource to the DataGrid in my case? Thanks!
Dummies guide to ?? I need an example.
by Guest cgchris99-
- Moderators
- 1 reply
I am trying to get a quickstart on for a application that I am working on. I need an example from start to finish. Even the extent of what type of data storage format to use. Access, MSDE, etc. thanks for any advice
Last reply by Robby, -
RightFAX with .NET?
by Guest nolc-
- *Gurus*
- 2 replies
Class Builder Utility?
by Guest Vax-
- *Gurus*
- 2 replies
Does VB.NET have a Class-builder utility? VB6 had one, and it would save some time, but I can't seem to locate it. Maybe I need to install it from the CD's?
- 1 reply
I replaced two resources files from a project to my project. But when I want to run my solution this error occure: Additional information: Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture (or the neutral culture) in the given assembly. Make sure "ToolBarImages.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "MySolution". baseName: ToolBarImages locationInfo: <null> resource file name: ToolBarImages.resources assembly: MySolution, Version=1.0.918.31723, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Last reply by NicoVB,
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