compare date in SQL statement ?
by Guest Cheung- 0 replies
Hi all, I have a window application using MS Access as DB. I wrote a query like "Select name from customer where creation_date >= #13/01/02#" where creation_date is defined as Date/time in Access. The query worked properly in some machines but didn't work as I expected in one machine. Do you have any idea? Thank you Cheung
need help on MDI form.
by Guest etron_neo- 2 replies
I have one form which is MDIParent (formA), now i call a MDIchild (formB) from formA. code: Dim f as new formB f.MDIParent=Me On formB, i have a button to call another normal form (formC). My question is, how to make formC as child for formA? thank you for your replies... i really appreciate it....
Simple OLEDB halp needed?
by Guest boskomihic-
- *Gurus*
- 9 replies
Dim cn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection() cn.ConnectionString = _ "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Password"";User ID=Admin;Data " & _ "Source=D:\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\Adresar\Adresar.mdb" cn.Open() When I run this code I receive this exception: System.Data.OleDbException: Could not find installable ISAM. . . Is there anyone how can tall me what�s wrong with this ConnectionString? Thanks in advance!
Last reply by Thinker, -
- *Experts*
- 1 reply
How do I create a Sub or Function that is accessable throughout my entire ASP.NET project? I tried declaring one as Public in Global.asax, but no luck. I found that you could, however, access constants declared as Public in Global.asax. (Global.ConstName)
Last reply by Bucky, -
Initialization in a Module
by Guest afrinspray- 0 replies
Why does Public f1 As Form1 = new Form1() work in a module, whereas Public f1 As Form1 f1 = new Form1() does not? I get the error "Declaration Expected." Thanks again, Mike [edit]Please use forward slashes in your tags, and use vb instead of code for vb code[/edit]
by lothos12345-
- *Gurus*
- 1 reply
Is there a way to program, in Visual Basic.NET, an application which will pull information from a database created in a unix environment and insert it into Microsoft Access. After of course formatting the data to the correct format I wish it to be in the Microsoft Access Database. Any help with this question would be greatly appreciated.
Last reply by Thinker, -
Windows Form BackColor
by Guest Visual Developer-
- *Gurus*
- 5 replies
Hi, I can't seem to set the BackColor property of a Windows Form. Whenever I do: Me.BackColor = RGB(100, 200, 250) VB.NET says it can't convert the integer values passed to a System.Drawing.Color object. Whats wrong? Thanks, Visual Developer
by WhiZa-
- *Gurus*
- 5 replies
any ideas on which VB.NET book I should buy?
- 0 replies
I have some reports I created in an older version of Crystal Reports (v8.0). I want to be able to view them in my VB.NET application. I only have the standard edition of VB.NET, so I didn't get the new Crystal Reports package. My question is, how do I view these reports? The help talks about adding a CrystalReportViewer object to my form. I can't find that in my toolbox anywhere. Help! Thanks everyone! shootsnlad
Last reply by shootsnlad, -
- 0 replies
I have a simple form, including only a toolbar and a datagrid. When loaded, I want to set a start cell, so that the user can edit immediately without having to click into the cell. This is what I tried: Dim dgc As New DataGridCell(0, 1) Dim dgtb As DataGridTextBoxColumn '..... code Me.grdData.Focus() Me.grdData.CurrentCell = dgc dgtb = CType(Me.grdData.TableStyles(0).GridColumnStyles(1), DataGridTextBoxColumn) dgtb.TextBox.Focus() dgtb.TextBox.Select() Any ideas where I made a mistake?
Last reply by Heike, -
DataGrid Column Autosize?
by Guest nolc- 0 replies
I want to be able to size each column of a Datagrid differently...any ideas? Is there a AutoSize for the DataGrid or something similiar? Thanks in advanced!
-, Threads & Sleep Command???
by Guest cgchris99-
- *Gurus*
- 2 replies
I have a app that I am writing. I launches a couple threads that run constantly. I have a timer in the thread to indicate how fast it is executing a loop. I need this loop to be FAST. It must be 5ms or less. If I put "thread.currentthread.priority.sleep(1)", the loop time is about 15ms. This is on a 2Ghz PC with 1024MB Ram. If I completely remove the sleep, it executes the loop in 0.013 ms. Yes, that's milliseconds. Ideally, I would like a happy medium of about 3-5ms scan time would be great. But the sleep command does not allow anything but an integer, sleep(0.5) produces the same as no sleep command. The only reason I ask is that I have other threads…
Anybody know much about serialization?
by Guest adouglas- 1 reply
Can somebody please tell me if it's possible to serialize an object into a string (i.e. instead of a file)? I need to serialize an object into a string of XML. I'm trying to serialize the object using the SoapFormatter object into a MemoryStream object, but that doesn't seem to be quite what I want since I can't seem to get a string out of the MemoryStream object. Can somebody give me some example code or point me towards some that shows me how to serialize an object into an XML string? Thanks.
Code behind a button created with code
by Guest Notbob-
- *Gurus*
- 10 replies
I used code to create an array of buttons that show up on the screen. Now, when someone clicks on those buttons I want to know how to run the code behind it. In my program the buttons are cmdSelect(20) 20 being the array size. When they click on the 5th button I want it to say in a text box, you clicked on button 5. If someone can drive me there, I can figure out the rest of the trip. THANKS IN ADVANCE.
- IRQ Event handler? How to write
by Guest cgchris99-
- *Gurus*
- 1 reply
I have a digital I/O card in a PC that will generate an IRQ on change of state of the Digital Input. They have reference code on how to handle this in Visual C but nothing on VB or How do I write an event handler that fires on IRQ 16? An example would be great. Thanks
Last reply by divil, -
- 1 reply
I just received my copy of VB .NET Standard edition. Does .NET have the data report designer like VB 6.0 does? I seem to remember being able to actually add a Data Report to the Project. I really liked that, being the designing of the report is so much like Access. Does VB .NET have this? Thanks for the help....
- Leaders
- 0 replies
Does anyone know of a control or other tool that is similiar in look and function to the query designer in Access, where you point it to a data source and it allows the user to graphically build the query? This would be to embed in another application. Preferably .NET but COM is ok at this point too.
Last reply by quwiltw, -
by Guest Cokegod-
- *Gurus*
- 10 replies
I just made 5 pic boxes in the form load like this: Dim b(4) As PictureBox Dim I As Integer Dim MyImage As Bitmap For i = 0 To 4 B(I) = New PictureBox() MyImage = New Bitmap("C:\Documents and Settings\Geoff\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\WindowsApplication1\b" & I & ".bmp") B(I).Image = CType(MyImage, Image) B(I).Top = 120 B(I).Left = 110 + (I * 50) B(I).SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage B(I).Height = 45 B(I).Width = 50 Me.Controls.Add(b(I)) Next And now I am wonder how do i get the click event from these …
by Guest kevinvasoft-
- *Gurus*
- 1 reply
I have a basic knowledge of vb6 and would like to get more technical with Can anyone explain how i would create a class? Thanks
Last reply by divil, -
by Guest afrinspray-
- *Gurus*
- 6 replies
Do you guys think it's good practice to remove the DefInstance functions in an upgraded VB net program? Why did Microsoft remove the ability to access "default forms"?
Last reply by Derek Stone, -
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