Passing value to another form
by Guest Nwulf-
- *Gurus*
- 1 reply
I am very new at the VB .Net...Came from programming in Access 97. I have a MainMenu form with button captions that will change, depending on data in a table. What I want to do is when a button is pressed on the main menu, I want to pass the caption of the button to another form, which names a certain label box. LOL...I just found out how to open another form from a form (another post I read), but would like to somehow transfer data to form 2. Any suggestions? Nick
Last reply by divil, -
Multiple Forms in .NET
by Guest JonM-
- *Gurus*
- 15 replies
I have a simple question... I am starting to learn .NET after learning some about VB6. My question is: in VB6, to get a form to unload and another to show, it was really simple. Unload.Me and FORM1.Show. HOw do you get this to happen in .NET????? Nothing I find or read will tell me about working in multiple forms, only one form at a time. And if I try to use the same structure, it errors out on me saying all sorts of nasty things. This gets rather frustrating...... Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Last reply by divil, -
XML Schema
by Guest gautya- 0 replies
I want to have a sample piece of code for following concept : ------------------------------------- Class Entry: Public ScreenData as Dataset End Class Class Screen entry as Entry = new Entry() ' Here I want to know how I can set the schema of (entry.ScreenData) from XML schema file(XSD) 'The format of XSD should contain 2 tables with 3-4 fields in each. One of the field(in any table) is having value based on other ' 2 columns of the same table.(Please see following the table defs.)Can such formula also be put in XSD file? 'I also want to know the steps of reading this schema and setting it to schema of the above dataset. End class Table defin…
print in NT but not Wins98??
by Guest Cheung- 4 replies
Hi all, question on printing again. The following code does the printing : Private Sub PrintTExt(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal ev As PrintPageEventArgs) ev.Graphics.DrawString(TextBox1.Text, New Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Regular), Brushes.Black, 120, 120) ev.HasMorePages = False End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Try Dim printDoc As New PrintDocument() AddHandler printDoc.PrintPage, AddressOf Me.PrintTExt printDoc.Print() Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show("Sorry -- there is a problem printin…
Best way to do Scrolling image list (data bound?)? ActiveX?
by Guest cgchris99-
- *Gurus*
- 1 reply
I need to display a series of images, vertically. One set is 110pixels wide x 66 pixels high. I want to display a scrollable list and have the user click on the one they want to select. Only one selection from the list would be valid at a time. Also, if this could be data bound some how, that would be great. That way when they retrieve the records from the database this graphic would be displayed automatically. Which ActiveX or whatever should I use for this. thanks for any advice.
Last reply by Derek Stone, -
studio .net api constant help
by Guest tacotown-
- *Gurus*
- *Experts*
- 2 replies
i'm tryin to use user32 function 'getwindow' using visual studio .net. i've searched through the help files over and over and can't find the values for the constants (gw_child, gw_next etc). if someone experienced in net studio can point me in the right direction to find values for api call constants, it would be a great help. (lots seems to have changed since vb3 and i'm thinking i might have taken a plunge too deep)
Last reply by Derek Stone, -
How to point variable to NetworkStream1 or NetworkStream2?
by Guest cgchris99-
- *Gurus*
- 4 replies
I am working with tcpClients with 2 connections and have the following NetworkStream1 = tcpClient1.GetStream NetworkStream2 = tcpClient2.Getstream How do I assign NS to point to NetworkStream1 or NetworkStream2 depending on the parameters passed to the sub routine. For example Public Sub ReadCameraData(ByVal CamNum) Dim NS as NetworkStream If CamNum=1 then If CamNum =2 then End Sub I just want to make sure when I call NS.DataAvailable() is the same as calling NetworkStream1.DataAvailable() Another example would be variable XYZ and VarA and VarB. Conditionally point XYZ at VarA. When you Change value of XYZ to 91838 and then check …
Last reply by divil, -
Comm Port
by Guest Nwulf-
- *Gurus*
- 3 replies
I am trying to communicate with the comm port but am having no luck. I have a program that monitors a scale, which is connected through comm1. I need to communicate with the scale via .Net and display the scale reading on the monitor. I have looked throught MS's help site and there is a sample program...but I can't get it to work...lot of "other" stuff I don't need. Here is the settings that I need to have when I communicate with the scale: 1200 Baud, Even Parity, 7 Databits, Stop 1. I really don't think that there is a whole lot I need. I am not sure if I need to user CreateFile and use comm1, or what. ??? :confused: ??? Thanks... Nick
Last reply by divil, -
Another question on printing
by Guest Cheung- 0 replies
I want to print A5 size document in a dot matirx printer. The paper used is those kind of continuous paper which I need to tear off for each document. I set the paper size property as the following: Public Function PreviewDebitNote( ....... ) As Boolean .......... myPrintDocu = New PrintDocument() myPreviewDocu = New PrintPreviewDialog() Try AddHandler myPrintDocu.PrintPage, AddressOf PrintText myPrintDocu.DefaultPageSettings = printPageSettings myPrintDocu.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = New PaperSize("Customer Paper Size", 930, 583) myPreviewDocu.Document = myPrintDocu …
printer and PrintDocument class
by Guest Cheung- 1 reply
Hi all, I encountered the following problem: When I previewed/printed a document using the following code, it worked fine when my default printer is a laser printer. However, it threw an exception when my default printer was set to a dot matrix printer "Epson LQ-850". I used the following code: Public Function PreviewFunction( ....... ) As Boolean ........................ myPrintDocu = New PrintDocument() myPreviewDocu = New PrintPreviewDialog() Try AddHandler myPrintDocu.PrintPage, AddressOf PrintText myPrintDocu.DefaultPageSettings = printPageSettings myPreviewDocu.Document = myPrintDocu…
mdichild property
by Guest Nidhi-
- Moderators
- 3 replies
Hi, Can we change mdichild property of a form at run time(in the code may be before calling it)? Thanks Nidhi
Last reply by Robby, -
Close Button
by Guest Nwulf-
- Moderators
- 3 replies
Sometimes I wish I was working with VB 6 :( I want to disable the close button on my forms. I have the Max/Min buttons removed, but there is no close button property in the form properties. I have searched on "disable close button" and have found most material in reference to VB6 or earlier. With the different code changes, I really have no idea on where to put it. I have searched some sites that have .Net examples, but kind of came up emtpy. Has anyone else tried to disable the close button on VB .Net forms? Thanks.... Nick
Last reply by Robby, -
Run-Time Package?
by Guest Nwulf-
- Moderators
- 2 replies
Is there a runtime package that I might need to install on workstations to have my VB .Net application to run? I run my program on a different workstation and I get "Unable to locate dll" --> "The dynamic link library mscoree.dll...." I have noticed with previous VB products there are run-time installers to load, but don't see one for VB .Net. Maybe I am need to compile my project differently? Any one have some insight for me? :) Thanks! Nick
Format$ - Named numeric formats
by Guest bananafish- 5 replies
I am looking to format a number with leading spaces. ie I want to display 3 as " 3", 33 as " 3" and 333 as "333" What is the Format$ predefined numeric format for this, I thought it was Format$(intX, "##0"), but that would return "3", "33" and "333" I then tried Format$(intX, "000") but that gives "003", "033" and "333" Any ideas?
Please jumpstart my VB.Net experience
by Guest AnakinVB-
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- *Gurus*
- 10 replies
Hello, I recently installed VB.NET and I'm overwhelmed and intimidated by it. I have experience in VB6 and some classic ASP. I attempted to do my first .NET program and I found myself at sea. I couldn't even get the mainstay "HelloWorld" program to work. Can someone please give me a starter program to mimmick just so I can get a clue? thx, Anankin
Last reply by Robby, -
Should I install .NET Framework SDK just 4 samples?
by Guest AnakinVB-
- *Gurus*
- 2 replies
Hello, I am trying to download samples from the Microsoft Site. While trying to do this, I am prompted with this excerpt: "Except for the ASP.NET samples, most of the samples in the QuickStart Tutorials will not run unless they are installed on your local machine. If you haven't already downloaded and installed the .NET Framework SDK and installed the samples, you should do so from the following web site: Download and Install .NET Framework SDK " a) I have VisualStudio.Net loaded onto my machine. Do I have to "install the .NET Framework SDK?" b) What is the .NET Framework SDK ? (I assume SDK stands for System Development Kit but I really don't know wha…
Last reply by Thinker, -
Parsing user date input
by Guest adouglas-
- *Gurus*
- 4 replies
I've got a textbox into which the user can enter a date. Whenever I try to convert the text from this textbox into a Date using Date.Parse or CDate, it insists on reading it as Month/Day/Year, even though my PC's regional settings are set up to be Day/Month/Year. How can I make VB.NET read the date properly without getting the Day and Month mixed up? Thanks.
Sql Update Trouble!
by Guest boskomihic-
- *Gurus*
- 14 replies
Dim cn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection() Dim cm As New OleDb.OleDbCommand() cn.ConnectionString = _ "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;User ID=Admin;Data Source=D:\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\Adresar\Adresar.mdb;Mode=ReadWrite" Try cn.Open() cm.Connection = cn cm.CommandText = "UPDATE Podaci SET Podaci.Ime = [@Ime], Podaci.Prezime = [@Prezime], Podaci.Datum = [@Datum], Podaci.Adresa = [@Adresa], Podaci.Fixni = [@Fixni], " & _ "Podaci.Mobilni = [@Mobilni], Podaci.Email = [@Email], Podaci.Home = [@Home], Podaci.Slika1 = [@Slika1], Podaci.Slika2 = [@Slika2], Podaci.[Note] = [@Note] WHERE (((Po…
Stream Reader and Writer for bigginers
by Guest boskomihic- 3 replies
What have I to set up so I can start using StreamReader or StreamWriter?
VB6 & .Net Studio on same machine?
by Guest AnakinVB-
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- *Gurus*
- 2 replies
Hello, I have to install VB.NET (The Whole Studio) for a new project. Yet there are existing projects that I've done in VB6. Is there any danger in having VB6 and VB.nET Studio on the same machine? thx
Last reply by Robby, -
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