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I'm still rather new to .net programming, but i've got a web app which im trying to publish (which worked fine before).. I hit publish.. leaving the checkbox for "allow this precompiled site to be updatable".. setting the location to the default folder under the project folder (precompiledweb)... (i then use a sync program to sync with the production code on the server between this one and the production when published).. I'm also using the "websites" folder in the documents folder (vs 2008) for the website /projects path.. I've got the app set to 2.0 mode (not 3.5 .net).. initially i had it at 3.5, but my hosting site only has up to 2.0 so far... When i hit publ…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
After some years over at Xtreme VB Talk I finally decide to jump the fence and see how the other half lives. I'll be starting out at the bottom rung once more but I kinda like the idea. (No pressure to be the man with answers. Whew!) Looking forward to getting to know all of you. ~T
Last reply by techmanbd, -
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I'm wondering if it is bad practice, to rely on the parameter value calculation precedence. Man, that sounded complicated. :D An example: ServerTCP.SendData(DataIO.GetData, DataIO.ReadToEnd) DataIO.GetData reads some bytes from its stream and then DataIO.ReadToEnd reads the rest, so if the precedence were different, all would goto hell. :rolleyes: So is relying on something like this a bad idea?
Last reply by Arokh, -
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Hi, I want to show a message box in a thread, so I cannot show it normally, I have to use this code: Private Delegate Sub MessageBoxHandler(ByVal Message As String, ByVal Style As MessageBoxIcon) Private Sub ShowMessageBox(ByVal Message As String, ByVal Style As MessageBoxIcon) MessageBox.Show(Message, My.Application.Info.AssemblyName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, Style) End Sub ... usage inside thread: Me.ShowMessageBox("???", MessageBoxIcon.Question) OK that works well without any problem. I just need to change it so I can have YesNoCancel buttons instead of OK. I can simply change it in the Delegate but don't know how to get back the result in the u…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
Hi, How to get the ID of a control placed in HeaderTemplate of a wizard Control ? I placed one Button control in the header template of a Wizard control. Now how can I programatically get the id of button which is placed in header template ? can you plz help me with this :confused:
Last reply by sureshcd10, -
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Is it possible to save the graphics drawn with GDI+ in vector format?
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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Hi, I just have 2 Questions about String Builder! To EMPTY the whole string contents I use this is ok? MyStringBuilder = New StringBuilder To check if it's EMPTY or not I use this is ok? If MyStringBuilder IsNot Nothing Then ... Thanks.
Last reply by techmanbd, -
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Hi, I have written an application in Visual Basic .NET 2008 with .NET Framework 2.0. I have published all necessary files/assemblies when installing my application to target systems. It works well on all systems I have tested it. However, one user reported that is using Vista on a 64 bit machine and encountered a problem! This is the exact error he received: - Error reading data from database: The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine. - How should I handle this? Please help me!
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
How can I format a number like 12345 to > 12,345 in .NET?
Last reply by techmanbd, -
- 2 replies
I have a large sinlge threaded application, which occasionally hang on the line mytabcontrol.selectedindex = 3. The tab does have a tab page that has controls on it. When I break the code its just hanging on this line (green in colour). For such hangs is there any way we can see the call stack beyond this line of execution? Any ideas or suggestion would be greatly apprciated. Just found out some additional info. Seems to be stuck in a loop calling the .net ContainerControl.ActivateControlInternal
Last reply by MartyO, -
- 3 replies
We've got a thread in our application that does work. If we need to make changes on the fly, we stop the thread by calling it's Abort() call, change settings to the parameters, and restart the thread. The problem is, whenever we call Abort() on the thread, sometimes it just doesn't abort! I found this out when I put a "While (MyThread.ThreadState <> ThreadState.Stopped)" Loop into my routine, and it never returned. How do I get the thread to stop, and really stop, so that I can make changes to the settings it uses and then restart the thread?
Last reply by joe_pool_is, -
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In my projects, I currently have a class that handles all my database connections and I copy that class into new projects as they are built. Someone suggested I move my methods into a dll project and use that instead. But I was concerned about speed and things of that nature. Can someone let me know which is better?? Greatly appreciate the insight.
Last reply by Diesel, -
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I have two very similar operations that I want to be made available by selecting a toolbar button. Because they're so similar it seems a waste to have two buttons for them. What would be ideal would be to have a ToolstripSplitButton with two menu items for selecting between the operations. I would change the image on the button slightly to reflect which had been chosen. But the ToostripSplitButton can't be Checked to show that it has been selected. This is so frustrating. Any ideas for other ways to present the options to the user?
Last reply by rbulph, -
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We've got an old application that has been modified quite a bit. Originally, it was just a single form application that hid in the TaskBar Tray using a Notify Icon. Later, we had to add a Custom Dialog Box to the project. Now, it has been determined that the project would be best served by the Dialog Box only, and eliminate the main form. So, the project is now a Console-like Application that starts with a Main Module. The Notify Icon had to be included with the Dialog Box, otherwise we weren't able to make it work. The NotifyIcon has a Context Menu Strip and events for Click and Double Click. When the Main Module starts, it creates a new instance of the…
Last reply by joe_pool_is, -
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I've got an application with a thread that works great except for one thing: I don't know how to get the thread to signal and pass information back to the main form. What is the best way to do this in VB or C# 2005?
Last reply by joe_pool_is, -
- 5 replies
Hi , I am working on a web Application..i have a Login Page..I have a problem with the password authentication..the password does not accept "space" in between the password characters but it does not validate the "space" given after the last character of the does not say invalid login if the space is given after the last redirects me to the next page..i could not fix this issue..please help me with the same Regards ShivaniGoturi
Last reply by shivanigoturi, -
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Howdy, I'd really like to provide a robust scripting interface for a VB.Net application of mine. The scripts would be compiled and executed on the fly. I'd like the user to be able to create functions, classes, etc, if they'd like. But I think that's not the norm for standard scripting interfaces. I've never used VBScript, JScript, VBScript.Net, or JScript.NET but it appears that if you use VSA to implement them into your program then the user will not be able to create functions, subroutines, classes, etc. It looks like they simply type out a bunch of code that is sort of already in a "Main" subroutine - one that they do not have to declare. Is this correct? That's…
Last reply by NeuralJack, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I have a crystal report that fails on a formula field but I cannot see why. Here is my code: Public Function CreateReportPDF(ByVal dsReport As DataSet, ByVal CrystalReportPath As String, _ ByVal reportSize As String, ByVal landScape As Boolean, _ ByVal dsParameters As DataSet, ByVal filePath As String, _ ByVal fileName As String) As Boolean Try 'Load report including report path etc. _report.Load(CrystalReportPath, OpenReportMethod.OpenReportByTempCopy) _report.SetDataSource(dsReport) …
Last reply by pendragon, -
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Hi, I have a program that do a long process over the Internet. I wanna give my user this option to disconnect all active connections after the process! But don't know how to do this in VB.NET 2008 & .NET Framework 2.0? Please help me! :confused:
Last reply by OMID SOFT, -
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I'm wondering the best practice for sharing common functionallity between applications, such as sending emails, logging errors, etc. I've got a few applications that will need to share common functionallity. I would like to use a class library to house this code; but I'm wondering how I could issue updates [bug fixes, etc] without having to recompile and update all dependant applications? I will not be changing method signitures, or anything like that -- only how the internal functions work. Pie in the sky, would allow me to add additional methods for new dependant applications without breaking existing dependant applications. Thoughts? Ideas? Should I abband…
Last reply by Nate Bross, -
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