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    • .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) continues to evolve with each release, and .NET 9 brings a focus on trimming and a new supported runtime: NativeAOT. These features can help you reduce application size, improve startup times, and ensure your applications run smoothly on various platforms. Both developers looking to optimize their .NET MAUI applications and NuGet package authors are able to take advantage of these features in .NET 9. We’ll also walk through the options available to you as a developer for measuring the performance of your .NET MAUI applications. Both CPU sampling and memory snapshots are available via dotnet-trace and dotnet-gcdump respectively. These can give insights into performance problems in your application, NuGet packages, or even something we should look into for .NET MAUI. Background By default, .NET MAUI applications on iOS and Android use the following settings: “Self-contained”, meaning a copy of the BCL and runtime are included with the application. Note This makes .NET MAUI applications suitable for running on “app stores” as no prerequisites such as installing a .NET runtime are required. Partially trimmed (TrimMode=partial), meaning that code within your applications or NuGet packages are not trimmed by default. Note This is a good default, as it is the most compatible with existing code and NuGet packages in the ecosystem. Full Trimming This is where full-trimming (TrimMode=full) can make an impact on your application’s size. If you have a substantial amount of C# code or NuGet packages, you may be missing out on a significant application size reduction. To opt into full trimming, you can add the following to your .csproj file: <PropertyGroup> <TrimMode>full</TrimMode> </PropertyGroup> For an idea on the impact of full trimming: Note MyPal is a sample .NET MAUI application that is a useful comparison because of its usage of several common NuGet packages. See our trimming .NET MAUI documentation for more information on “full” trimming. NativeAOT Building upon full trimming, NativeAOT both relies on libraries being trim-compatible and AOT-compatible. NativeAOT is a new runtime that can improve startup time and reduce application size compared to existing runtimes. Note NativeAOT is not yet supported on Android, but is available on iOS, MacCatalyst, and Windows. To opt into NativeAOT: <PropertyGroup> <IsAotCompatible>true</IsAotCompatible> <PublishAot>true</PublishAot> </PropertyGroup> For an idea on the impact of NativeAOT and application size: And startup performance: Note macOS on the above graphs is running on MacCatalyst, the default for .NET MAUI applications running on Mac operating systems. See our NativeAOT deployment documentation for more information about this newly supported runtime. NuGet Package Authors As a NuGet package author, you may wish for your package to run in either fully trimmed or NativeAOT scenarios. This can be useful for developers targeting .NET MAUI, mobile, or even self-contained ASP.NET microservices. To support NativeAOT, you will need to: Mark your assemblies as “trim-compatible” and “AOT-compatible”. Enable Roslyn analyzers for trimming and NativeAOT. Solve all the warnings. Begin with modifying your .csproj file: <PropertyGroup> <IsTrimmable>true</IsTrimmable> <IsAotCompatible>true</IsAotCompatible> </PropertyGroup> These properties will enable Roslyn analyzers as well as include [assembly: AssemblyMetadata] information in the resulting .NET assembly. Depending on your library’s usage of features like System.Reflection, you could have either just a few warnings or potentially many warnings. See the documentation on preparing libraries for trimming for more information. XAML and Trimming Sometimes, taking advantage of NativeAOT in your app can be as easy as adding a property to your project file. However, for many .NET MAUI applications, there can be a lot of warnings to solve. The NativeAOT compiler removes unnecessary code and metadata to make the app smaller and faster. However, this requires understanding which types can be created and which methods can and cannot be called at runtime. This is often impossible to do in code which heavily uses System.Reflection. There are two areas in .NET MAUI which fall into this category: XAML and data-binding. Compiled XAML Loading XAML at runtime provides flexibility and enables features like XAML hot reload. XAML can instantiate any class in the whole app, the .NET MAUI SDK, and referenced NuGet packages. XAML can also set values to any property. Conceptually, loading a XAML layout at runtime requires: Parsing the XML document. Looking up the control types based on the XML element names using Type.GetType(xmlElementName). Creating new instances of the controls using Activator.CreateInstance(controlType). Converting the raw string XML attribute values into the target type of the property. Setting properties based on the names of the XML attributes. This process can not only be slow, but it presents a great challenge for NativeAOT. For example, the trimmer does not know which types would be looked up using the Type.GetType method. This means that either the compiler would need to keep all the classes from the whole .NET MAUI SDK and all the NuGet packages in the final app, or the method might not be able to find the types declared in the XML input and fail at runtime. Fortunately, .NET MAUI has a solution – XAML compilation. This turns XAML into the actual code for the InitializeComponent() method at build time. Once the code is generated, the NativeAOT compiler has all the information it needs to trim your app. In .NET 9, we implemented the last remaining XAML features that the compiler could not handle in previous releases, especially compiling bindings. Lastly, if your app relies on loading XAML at runtime, NativeAOT might not be suitable for your application. Compiled Bindings A binding ties together a source property with a target property. When the source changes, the value is propagated to the target. Bindings in .NET MAUI are defined using a string “path”. This path resembles C# expressions for accessing properties and indexers. When the binding is applied to a source object, .NET MAUI uses System.Reflection to follow the path to access the desired source property. This suffers from the same problems as loading XAML at runtime, because the trimmer does not know which properties could be accessed by reflection and so it does not know which properties it can safely trim from the final application. When we know the type of the source object at build time from x:DataType attributes, we can compile the binding path into a simple getter method (and a setter method for two-way bindings). The compiler will also ensure that the binding listens to any property changes along the binding path of properties that implement INotifyPropertyChanged. The XAML compiler could already compile most bindings in .NET 8 and earlier. In .NET 9 we made sure any binding in your XAML code can be compiled. Learn more about this feature in the compiled bindings documentation. Compiled bindings in C# The only supported way of defining bindings in C# code up until .NET 8 has been using a string-based path. In .NET 9, we are adding a new API which allows us to compile the binding using a source generator: // .NET 8 and earlier myLabel.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "Text"); // .NET 9 myLabel.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, static (Entry nameEntry) => nameEntry.Text); The Binding.Create() method is also an option, for when you need to save the Binding instance for later use: var nameBinding = Binding.Create(static (Entry nameEntry) => nameEntry.Text); .NET MAUI’s source generator will compile the binding the same way the XAML compiler does. This way the binding can be fully analyzed by the NativeAOT compiler. Even if you aren’t planning to migrate your application to NativeAOT, compiled bindings can improve the general performance of the binding. To illustrate the difference, let’s use BenchmarkDotNet to measure the difference between the calls to SetBinding() on Android using the Mono runtime: // dotnet build -c Release -t:Run -f net9.0-android public class SetBindingBenchmark { private readonly ContactInformation _contact = new ContactInformation(new FullName("John")); private readonly Label _label = new(); [GlobalSetup] public void Setup() { DispatcherProvider.SetCurrent(new MockDispatcherProvider()); _label.BindingContext = _contact; } [Benchmark(Baseline = true)] public void Classic_SetBinding() { _label.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "FullName.FirstName"); } [Benchmark] public void Compiled_SetBinding() { _label.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, static (ContactInformation contact) => contact.FullName?.FirstName); } [IterationCleanup] public void Cleanup() { _label.RemoveBinding(Label.TextProperty); } } When I ran the benchmark on Samsung Galaxy S23, I got the following results: Method Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD Classic_SetBinding 67.81 us 1.338 us 1.787 us 1.00 0.04 Compiled_SetBinding 30.61 us 0.629 us 1.182 us 0.45 0.02 The classic binding needs to first parse the string-based path and then use System.Reflection to get the current value of the source. Each subsequent update of the source property will also be faster with the compiled binding: // dotnet build -c Release -t:Run -f net9.0-android public class UpdateValueTwoLevels { ContactInformation _contact = new ContactInformation(new FullName("John")); Label _label = new(); [GlobalSetup] public void Setup() { DispatcherProvider.SetCurrent(new MockDispatcherProvider()); _label.BindingContext = _contact; } [IterationSetup(Target = nameof(Classic_UpdateWhenSourceChanges))] public void SetupClassicBinding() { _label.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "FullName.FirstName"); } [IterationSetup(Target = nameof(Compiled_UpdateWhenSourceChanges))] public void SetupCompiledBinding() { _label.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, static (ContactInformation contact) => contact.FullName?.FirstName); } [Benchmark(Baseline = true)] public void Classic_UpdateWhenSourceChanges() { _contact.FullName.FirstName = "Jane"; } [Benchmark] public void Compiled_UpdateWhenSourceChanges() { _contact.FullName.FirstName = "Jane"; } [IterationCleanup] public void Reset() { _label.Text = "John"; _contact.FullName.FirstName = "John"; _label.RemoveBinding(Label.TextProperty); } } Method Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD Classic_UpdateWhenSourceChanges 46.06 us 0.934 us 1.369 us 1.00 0.04 Compiled_UpdateWhenSourceChanges 30.85 us 0.634 us 1.295 us 0.67 0.03 The differences for a single binding aren’t that dramatic but they add up. This can be noticeable on complex pages with many bindings or when scrolling lists like CollectionView or ListView. The full source code of the above benchmarks is available on GitHub. Profiling .NET MAUI Applications Attaching dotnet-trace to a .NET MAUI application, allows you to get profiling information in formats like .nettrace and .speedscope. These give you CPU sampling information about the time spent in each method in your application. This is quite useful for finding where time is spent in the startup or general performance of your .NET applications. Likewise, dotnet-gcdump can take memory snapshots of your application that display every managed C# object in memory. dotnet-dsrouter is a requirement for connecting dotnet-trace to a remote device, and so this is not needed for desktop applications. You can install these tools with: $ dotnet tool install -g dotnet-trace You can invoke the tool using the following command: dotnet-trace Tool 'dotnet-trace' was successfully installed. $ dotnet tool install -g dotnet-dsrouter You can invoke the tool using the following command: dotnet-dsrouter Tool 'dotnet-dsrouter' was successfully installed. $ dotnet tool install -g dotnet-gcdump You can invoke the tool using the following command: dotnet-gcdump Tool 'dotnet-gcdump' was successfully installed. From here, instructions differ slightly for each platform, but generally the steps are: Build your application in Release mode. For Android, toggle <AndroidEnableProfiler>true</AndroidEnableProfiler> in your .csproj file, so the required Mono diagnostic components are included in the application. If profiling mobile, run dotnet-dsrouter android (or dotnet-dsrouter ios, etc.) on your development machine. Configure environment variables, so the application can connect to the profiler. For example, on Android: $ adb reverse tcp:9000 tcp:9001 # no output $ adb shell setprop debug.mono.profile ',nosuspend,connect' # no output Run your application. Attach dotnet-trace (or dotnet-gcdump) to the application, using the PID of dotnet-dsrouter: $ dotnet-trace ps 38604 dotnet-dsrouter ~/.dotnet/tools/dotnet-dsrouter.exe ~/.dotnet/tools/dotnet-dsrouter.exe android $ dotnet-trace collect -p 38604 --format speedscope No profile or providers specified, defaulting to trace profile 'cpu-sampling' Provider Name Keywords Level Enabled By Microsoft-DotNETCore-SampleProfiler 0x0000F00000000000 Informational(4) --profile Microsoft-Windows-DotNETRuntime 0x00000014C14FCCBD Informational(4) --profile Waiting for connection on /tmp/maui-app Start an application with the following environment variable: DOTNET_DiagnosticPorts=/tmp/maui-app For iOS, macOS, and MacCatalyst, see the iOS profiling wiki page for more information. Note For Windows applications, you might just consider using Visual Studio’s built-in profiling tools, but dotnet-trace collect -- C:\path\to\an\executable.exe is also an option. Now that you’ve collected a file containing performance information, opening them to view the data is the next step: dotnet-trace by default outputs .nettrace files, which can be opened in PerfView or Visual Studio. dotnet-trace collect --format speedscope outputs .speedscope files, which can be opened in the Speedscope web app. dotnet-gcdump outputs .gcdump files, which can be opened in PerfView or Visual Studio. Note that there is not currently a good option to open these files on macOS. In the future, we hope to make profiling .NET MAUI applications easier in both future releases of the above .NET diagnostic tooling and Visual Studio. Note Note that the NativeAOT runtime does not have support for dotnet-trace and performance profiling. You can use the other supported runtimes for this, or use native profiling tools instead such as Xcode’s Instruments. See the profiling .NET MAUI wiki page for links to documentation on each platform or a profiling demo on YouTube for a full walkthrough. Conclusion .NET 9 introduces performance enhancements for .NET MAUI applications through full trimming and NativeAOT. These features enable developers to create more efficient and responsive applications by reducing application size and improving startup times. By leveraging tools like dotnet-trace and dotnet-gcdump, developers can gain insights into their application’s performance. For a full rundown on .NET MAUI trimming and NativeAOT, see the .NET Conf 2024 session on the topic. The post .NET MAUI Performance Features in .NET 9 appeared first on .NET Blog. View the full article
    • We’re excited to announce the Chroma C# SDK. Whether you’re building AI solutions or enhancing existing projects with advanced search capabilities, you now have the option of using Chroma as a database provider in your .NET applications. What is Chroma? Chroma is an open-source database for your AI applications. With support for storing embeddings, metadata filtering, vector search, full-text search, document storage, and multi-modal retrieval, you can use Chroma to power semantic search and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) features in your app. For more details, check out the Chroma website. Get started with Chroma in your C# application In this scenario, we’ll be using the ChromaDB.Client package to connect to a Chroma database and search for movies using vector search. The easiest way to start is locally using the Chroma Docker image. You can also deploy an instance in Azure. Connect to the database Create a C# console application. Install the ChromaDB.Client NuGet package. Create a ChromaClient with configuration options. using ChromaDB.Client; var configOptions = new ChromaConfigurationOptions(uri: "http://localhost:8000/api/v1/"); using var httpClient = new HttpClient(); var client = new ChromaClient(configOptions, httpClient); When using a hosted version of Chroma, replace the uri with your hosted endpoint. Create a collection Now that you have a client, create a collection to store movie data. var collection = await client.GetOrCreateCollection("movies"); To perform operations on that collection, you’ll then need to create a collection client. var collectionClient = new ChromaCollectionClient(collection, configOptions, httpClient); Add data to your collection Once your collection is created, it’s time to add data to it. The data we’re storing will consist of: Movie IDs Embeddings to represent the movie description. Metadata containing the movie title ID Title Embedding Movie Description 1 The Lion King [0.10022575, -0.23998135] The Lion King is a classic Disney animated film that tells the story of a young lion named Simba who embarks on a journey to reclaim his throne as the king of the Pride Lands after the tragic death of his father. 2 Inception [0.10327095, 0.2563685] Inception is a mind-bending science fiction film directed by Christopher Nolan. It follows the story of Dom Cobb, a skilled thief who specializes in entering people’s dreams to steal their secrets. However, he is offered a final job that involves planting an idea into someone’s mind. 3 Toy Story [0.095857024, -0.201278] Toy Story is a groundbreaking animated film from Pixar. It follows the secret lives of toys when their owner, Andy, is not around. Woody and Buzz Lightyear are the main characters in this heartwarming tale. 4 Pulp Fiction [0.106827796, 0.21676421] Pulp Fiction is a crime film directed by Quentin Tarantino. It weaves together interconnected stories of mobsters, hitmen, and other colorful characters in a non-linear narrative filled with dark humor and violence. 5 Shrek [0.09568083, -0.21177962] Shrek is an animated comedy film that follows the adventures of Shrek, an ogre who embarks on a quest to rescue Princess Fiona from a dragon-guarded tower in order to get his swamp back. List<string> movieIds = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5" ]; List<ReadOnlyMemory<float>> descriptionEmbeddings = [ new [] { 0.10022575f, -0.23998135f }, new [] { 0.10327095f, 0.2563685f }, new [] { 0.095857024f, -0.201278f }, new [] { 0.106827796f, 0.21676421f }, new [] { 0.09568083f, -0.21177962f }, ]; List<Dictionary<string,object>> metadata = [ new Dictionary<string, object> { ["Title"] = "The Lion King" }, new Dictionary<string, object> { ["Title"] = "Inception" }, new Dictionary<string, object> { ["Title"] = "Toy Story" }, new Dictionary<string, object> { ["Title"] = "Pulp Fiction" }, new Dictionary<string, object> { ["Title"] = "Shrek" }, ]; await collectionClient.Add(movieIds, descriptionEmbeddings, metadata); Search for movies (using vector search) Now that your data is in the database, you can query it. In this case, we’re using vector search. Text Embedding A family friendly movie [0.12217915, -0.034832448] List<ReadOnlyMemory<float>> queryEmbedding = [new([0.12217915f, -0.034832448f])]; var queryResult = await collectionClient.Query( queryEmbeddings: queryEmbedding, nResults: 2, include: ChromaQueryInclude.Metadatas | ChromaQueryInclude.Distances); foreach (var result in queryResult) { foreach (var item in result) { Console.WriteLine($"Title: {(string)item.Metadata["Title"] ?? string.Empty} {(item.Distance)}"); } } The result should look similar to the following output. Title: Toy Story 0.028396977 Title: Shrek 0.032012463 Watch it live Join Jiří Činčura on the .NET Data Community Standup on February 26 to learn more about how to use Chroma and the new C# SDK. Conclusion This latest addition enhances the growing AI ecosystem in .NET. It paves the way for a simpler implementation of the existing Semantic Kernel connector and seamless integration into your .NET apps using foundational components like Microsoft.Extensions.VectorData and Microsoft.Extensions.AI. We’d like to thank @ssone95 for his work and contributions to the project. We’re excited to continue building partnerships and working with the community to enable .NET developers to build AI applications. To learn how you can start building AI apps using databases like Chroma, check out the .NET AI documentation. Try out the Chroma C# SDK today and provide feedback. The post Announcing Chroma DB C# SDK appeared first on .NET Blog. View the full article
    • If you are building web apps with Razor, we have some great new features that you are going to love for both Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code! Extract to Component refactoring and the new Roslyn-based C# tokenizer are now available and are designed to improve your productivity in Razor files, let’s take a look. Extract to Component Extract to Component, available in Visual Studio 17.12, is a new refactoring that automates the process of creating a new Razor/Blazor component. Instead of manually creating a new file and copy/pasting the code you want to extract, selecting this feature will do that work for you by selecting the lightbulb refactoring (CTRL + .) after highlighting the code (or tag) you want to extract. This feature makes it easier to create reusable components, allowing for a cleaner and more manageable codebase. In this first iteration of the feature, Extract to Component focuses on support for basic, mostly HTML-based extraction scenarios. However, we have plans to add additional improvements and more advanced scenarios (i.e. more consistent extractions involving variable dependencies, C#, parameters, etc.). Roslyn C# Tokenizer The C# tokenizer / lexer update brings significant improvements to how Razor handles C# code. Many users have expressed frustrations with not being able to use raw string literals and verbatim interpolated strings in Razor files, and the new Roslyn C# lexer fixes that! In addition to these string formats, the lexer also adds support for binary literals and improves the handling of C# preprocessor directives, ensuring they follow C# rules. Ultimately, the new lexer will also make it easier to support new C# language features going forward. This new tokenizer is not on by default until .NET 10 but is available in both Visual Studio (17.13) and Visual Studio Code for .NET 9. To enable the C# tokenizer today, check the Use the C# tokenizer for Razor files in the IDE option under Tools > Options > Preview Features and add <Features>use-roslyn-tokenizer;$(Features)</Features> to a property group in your .csproj or directory.props file: This new lexer does currently come with some breaking changes, particularly around preprocessor directives, so we encourage you to please share any related issues you may experience in the Razor Github repository. Summary These two updates, Extract to Component and the C# tokenizer, help enhance your Razor productivity. By adopting these features, you can ensure cleaner code, better language support, and an overall more efficient development process. However, there’s always room for improvement! To share your Razor feedback, submit issues in our Razor Github repo, the Developer Community, or check out this survey to share your Extract to Component feedback! Finally, if you’d like to chat directly with the Razor team about our upcoming roadmap and how we’re addressing your issues, you can join our upcoming .NET Community Standup on February 18th! The post New Features for Enhanced Razor Productivity! appeared first on .NET Blog. View the full article
    • Today we’re excited to introduce a new hands-on course designed for .NET developers who want to explore the world of Generative AI. Generative AI for Beginners - .NET Our focus in this course is code-first, to teach you what you need to know to be confident building .NET GenAI applications today. What is this course about? As generative AI becomes more accessible, it’s essential for developers to understand how to use it responsibly and effectively. To fill this need, we created a course that covers the basics of Generative AI for the .NET ecosystem, including how to set up your .NET environment, core techniques, practical samples, and responsible use of AI. You’ll learn how to create real-world .NET AI-based apps using a variety of libraries and tools including Microsoft Extensions for AI, GitHub Models and Codespaces, Semantic Kernel, Ollama, and more. We’ve included several lessons and they all include: Short 5–10 minute videos explaining each concept. Fully functional .NET code samples ready to run and explore. Integration with GitHub Codespaces and GitHub Models for quick, convenient setup. Guidance on using GitHub Models and local models with Ollama for flexibility and privacy. Lessons Overview These lessons provide a guided roadmap, starting with core generative AI concepts for .NET developers and how to configure your environment to access AI models in the cloud or locally via Ollama. You’ll then explore techniques that go beyond text processing, such as assembling practical solutions with chatbots including adding video and real-time audio to chat. You’ll also learn about the world of AI Agents, or autonomous intelligent agents that act on the user’s behalf. Finally, you’ll learn about the importance of responsible AI use, ensuring your applications remain ethical and secure. Here’s an example of the semantic search feature you’ll build: And here’s what that real-time voice chat looks like: Getting Started All that’s required is some .NET experience and a desire to learn! You can clone the repo and start working all locally. Even better, we’ve done our best to reduce all of the friction from getting started! You can run everything in GitHub Codespaces and use GitHub Models to access the various LLMs we’ll use in the course – all for free. Check out the course repository, and explore the lessons at your own pace. Watch an overview on the .NET AI Community Standup Check out the .NET AI Community Standup where we gave a sneak peek into the Generative AI for Beginners .NET course, showcasing how .NET developers can harness the power of Generative AI in real-world scenarios. Contribute and Connect Join us on GitHub, contributions are welcome! Submit issues, add new code samples, or create pull requests. You can also join the Azure AI Community Discord to connect with other AI enthusiasts. We look forward to seeing what you build with us! Get started right away and discover how simple it can be to bring AI into your .NET projects. The post Announcing Generative AI for Beginners – .NET appeared first on .NET Blog. View the full article
    • Announcing the Next Edit Suggestions and Agent Mode for GitHub Copilot in Visual Studio Code. Read the full article View the full article
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